Pine Script Rookie
Pine Script Rookie
Posts: 3
Joined: April 23rd, 2021

Finding a pattern of one or more candles


I'm looking to develop an indicator that finds the following pattern:

First candle is red and a "leg" candle.
The next 1 to 4 candles are a "base" candle (color doesn't matter)
The next 1 to 4 candles are a "leg" candle (must be "green")
The next candle is a "base" candle (color doesn't matter)

I've written basic code to find the pattern Red Leg, Base, Green Leg, Base, but I don't know how to tweak it so that it recognizes the "1 to4 candles condition.

Can you point me to example code on how to do this?

Thanks in advance,

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