Pine Script Rookie
Pine Script Rookie
Posts: 2
Joined: March 31st, 2021

Searhing for lowestsince function


I have been programming in many trading related languages but getting stumped on this bit here... AFAIK, there are two primary functions to determine lowest value over certain number of bars which look like follows

lowest (length) /// price series is assumed as low
lowest(priceseries, length)
pivotlow(priceseries, leftbars, rightbars)

In all three functions above, <length> <leftbars> <rightbars> parameter expects to be provided constant integer

and start producing run time error if value returned from barssince() is provided

valueA = highest(high, 20) // point A
valueB = lowest (low , 20) // point B

//valueC = lowest(low , int(max(1, barssince(valueA == high) ) ) ) /// Does not work as expected
//valueD = lowest(low , int(max(1, barssince(abs(highestbars(high, 20)) == 0) ) ) ) /// Does not work as expected

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