Hey, fellow PineScriptCoders! I joined the PineScriptMastery course when I couldn't find a coder to do what I wanted to do, so I decided to bite the bullet and learn to do it myself. When the student was ready, the teacher appeared in the form of Matt and this course. I created my first indicator in less than a week which I am very proud of and I look forward to growing with the rest of you as I continue to enhance and refine it. Happy coding!
Haha that's awesome mate! I'm really glad to have you in the course, that is exactly the attitude I love to see from traders I work with. You need to be ambitious to be successful in this game and learning a new skill to get to where you want to go is great evidence that you have what it takes :)
Looking forward to seeing what you come up with and hopefully having you in the Mentorship Program when it's ready!