Pine Script Rookie
Pine Script Rookie
Posts: 1
Joined: August 14th, 2022
Contact: TradingView Profile

New @ coding Pine Script

Hi Everyone,
I've been studying trading on and off for nearly 20 years.
I work manually and recently I have had a realization that my body won't last for ever doing the kind of heavy work that I do.
I have been trading crypto for the past 4 years, I made money initially then I 10x downward.
I lost hope and gave up for a while, after licking my wounds, I returned and started trading what little I had left in my account.
by using price structure and looking for hidden strength and weakness in RSI & MACD I started to add up the winning trades.
I now have surpassed my initial investment x3 and can see that possibly I could bring my trading to the next level and have a quit work plan.
I decided that I have to systemize my trading and become mechanical in my approach.
I am very interested in using margin and selling short and in futures as I see lots of potential for big profits. but being able to get in and out in time is key.
I hope to create some very profitable indicator set ups and start making some serious mula!
I hope to post up my ideas and look for help when I am really stuck (I do like to figure things out myself)
Hope you all get what you are looking for and good luck with your trading


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