original rsi code:
Code: Select all
indicator('Multi-Timeframe Indicator', overlay=true)
////////////////////////////// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
// INPUTS \\
////////////////////////////// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
tf_multip1 = input.int( 1, minval= 1, maxval= 1440,
title = "TimeFrame", group = "TimeFrame", inline="1")
tf_period1 = input.string(title="", defval= "Chart TF",
options=["Chart TF", "Minute", "Hour", "Day", "Week", "Month"],
group = "TimeFrame", inline="1")
tf_multip2 = input.int( 30, minval= 1, maxval= 1440,
title = "TimeFrame", group = "TimeFrame", inline="2")
tf_period2 = input.string(title="", defval= "Minute",
options=["Chart TF", "Minute", "Hour", "Day", "Week", "Month"],
group = "TimeFrame", inline="2")
tf_multip3 = input.int( 1, minval= 1, maxval= 1440,
title = "TimeFrame", group = "TimeFrame", inline="3")
tf_period3 = input.string(title="", defval= "Day",
options=["Chart TF", "Minute", "Hour", "Day", "Week", "Month"],
group = "TimeFrame", inline="3")
tf_multip4 = input.int( 2, minval= 1, maxval= 1440,
title = "TimeFrame", group = "TimeFrame", inline="4")
tf_period4 = input.string(title="", defval= "Week",
options=["Chart TF", "Minute", "Hour", "Day", "Week", "Month"],
group = "TimeFrame", inline="4")
// Styling & Coloring
// Table Position
in_table_pos = input.string(title="Table Location ", defval= "Top Right",
options =["Top Right", "Middle Right", "Bottom Right",
"Top Center", "Middle Center", "Bottom Center",
"Top Left", "Middle Left", "Bottom Left"],
group= "Table Styling", inline= "1")
// Table Size
in_table_size = input.string(title="Table Size ", defval="Small",
options=["Auto", "Huge", "Large", "Normal", "Small", "Tiny"],
group= "Table Styling" , inline= "2")
// Color
column_title_bgcol = input.color(color.gray , title="Column Title Color",
group = "Table Styling" , inline="3")
cell_bgcol = input.color(#aaaaaa , title="Cell Color ",
group = "Table Styling" , inline="4")
cell_txtcol = input.color(color.white , title="Text Color ",
group = "Table Styling" , inline="5")
// Indicators
// RSI
rsi_len = input.int( 14, minval=1, title = "RSI Length ",
group = "Indicators - RSI", inline= "1")
rsi_ob = input.float(70, title = "RSI Overbought ",
group = "Indicators - RSI", inline= "2")
rsi_ob_col = input.color(color.red, title=" ",
group = "Indicators - RSI", inline= "2")
rsi_os = input.float(30, title = "RSI Oversold ",
group = "Indicators - RSI", inline= "3")
rsi_os_col = input.color(color.green, title=" ",
group = "Indicators - RSI", inline= "3")
////////////////////////////// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
////////////////////////////// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
// Flag
u01 = input.bool(true, title = "", group = 'Symbols', inline = 's01')
u02 = input.bool(true, title = "", group = 'Symbols', inline = 's02')
u03 = input.bool(true, title = "", group = 'Symbols', inline = 's03')
u04 = input.bool(true, title = "", group = 'Symbols', inline = 's04')
u05 = input.bool(true, title = "", group = 'Symbols', inline = 's05')
u06 = input.bool(true, title = "", group = 'Symbols', inline = 's06')
u07 = input.bool(true, title = "", group = 'Symbols', inline = 's07')
u08 = input.bool(true, title = "", group = 'Symbols', inline = 's08')
u09 = input.bool(true, title = "", group = 'Symbols', inline = 's09')
u10 = input.bool(true, title = "", group = 'Symbols', inline = 's10')
// Symbols
s01 = input.symbol('XRPUSDT', group = 'Symbols', inline = 's01')
s02 = input.symbol('BTCUSDT', group = 'Symbols', inline = 's02')
s03 = input.symbol('DOGEUSDT', group = 'Symbols', inline = 's03')
s04 = input.symbol('BNBUSDT', group = 'Symbols', inline = 's04')
s05 = input.symbol('ETHUSDT', group = 'Symbols', inline = 's05')
s06 = input.symbol('ADAUSDT', group = 'Symbols', inline = 's06')
s07 = input.symbol('XRPBTC', group = 'Symbols', inline = 's07')
s08 = input.symbol('DOGEBTC', group = 'Symbols', inline = 's08')
s09 = input.symbol('TRXUSDT', group = 'Symbols', inline = 's09')
s10 = input.symbol('BTCBUSD', group = 'Symbols', inline = 's10')
////////////////////////////// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
////////////////////////////// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
// Timeframe for security functions
TF(tf_period, tf_multip) =>
switch tf_period
"Minute" => str.tostring(tf_multip)
"Hour" => str.tostring(tf_multip*60)
"Day" => str.tostring(tf_multip) + "D"
"Week" => str.tostring(tf_multip) + "W"
"Month" => str.tostring(tf_multip) + "M"
=> timeframe.period
// Timeframe shortcut form
tf_form( tf_period, tf_multip) =>
if tf_period != "Chart TF"
switch tf_period
"Minute" => str.tostring(tf_multip) + "min"
"Hour" => str.tostring(tf_multip) + "H"
"Day" => str.tostring(tf_multip) + "D"
"Week" => str.tostring(tf_multip) + "W"
"Month" => str.tostring(tf_multip) + "M"
timeframe.isminutes and timeframe.multiplier % 60 != 0
=> str.tostring(timeframe.multiplier) + "min"
timeframe.isminutes and timeframe.multiplier % 60 == 0
=> str.tostring(timeframe.multiplier/60) + "H"
timeframe.isdaily => str.tostring(timeframe.multiplier) + "D"
timeframe.isweekly => str.tostring(timeframe.multiplier) + "W"
timeframe.ismonthly => str.tostring(timeframe.multiplier) + "M"
// TimeFrame OutPut
tf_form = array.from(tf_form(tf_period1, tf_multip1), tf_form(tf_period2, tf_multip2),
tf_form(tf_period3, tf_multip3), tf_form(tf_period4, tf_multip4))
// Get Table Position
table_pos(p) =>
switch p
"Top Right" => position.top_right
"Middle Right" => position.middle_right
"Bottom Right" => position.bottom_right
"Top Center" => position.top_center
"Middle Center" => position.middle_center
"Bottom Center" => position.bottom_center
"Top Left" => position.top_left
"Middle Left" => position.middle_left
=> position.bottom_left
// Get Table Size
table_size(s) =>
switch s
"Auto" => size.auto
"Huge" => size.huge
"Large" => size.large
"Normal" => size.normal
"Small" => size.small
=> size.tiny
// Get only symbol
only_symbol(s) =>
array.get(str.split(s, ":"), 1)
screener_func(flag) =>
out_screener_func = array.new_string(2, string(na))
if flag
// Price
price = math.round_to_mintick(close)
array.set(out_screener_func, 0, str.tostring(price))
// RSI
rsi = ta.rsi(close, rsi_len)
array.set(out_screener_func, 1, str.tostring(rsi, "#.##"))
////////////////////////////// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
// Importing Data \\
////////////////////////////// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
s01_TF1 = request.security(ticker.modify(s01, syminfo.session), TF(tf_period1, tf_multip1), screener_func(u01))
s02_TF1 = request.security(ticker.modify(s02, syminfo.session), TF(tf_period1, tf_multip1), screener_func(u02))
s03_TF1 = request.security(ticker.modify(s03, syminfo.session), TF(tf_period1, tf_multip1), screener_func(u03))
s04_TF1 = request.security(ticker.modify(s04, syminfo.session), TF(tf_period1, tf_multip1), screener_func(u04))
s05_TF1 = request.security(ticker.modify(s05, syminfo.session), TF(tf_period1, tf_multip1), screener_func(u05))
s06_TF1 = request.security(ticker.modify(s06, syminfo.session), TF(tf_period1, tf_multip1), screener_func(u06))
s07_TF1 = request.security(ticker.modify(s07, syminfo.session), TF(tf_period1, tf_multip1), screener_func(u07))
s08_TF1 = request.security(ticker.modify(s08, syminfo.session), TF(tf_period1, tf_multip1), screener_func(u08))
s09_TF1 = request.security(ticker.modify(s09, syminfo.session), TF(tf_period1, tf_multip1), screener_func(u09))
s10_TF1 = request.security(ticker.modify(s10, syminfo.session), TF(tf_period1, tf_multip1), screener_func(u10))
s01_TF2 = request.security(ticker.modify(s01, syminfo.session), TF(tf_period2, tf_multip2), screener_func(u01))
s02_TF2 = request.security(ticker.modify(s02, syminfo.session), TF(tf_period2, tf_multip2), screener_func(u02))
s03_TF2 = request.security(ticker.modify(s03, syminfo.session), TF(tf_period2, tf_multip2), screener_func(u03))
s04_TF2 = request.security(ticker.modify(s04, syminfo.session), TF(tf_period2, tf_multip2), screener_func(u04))
s05_TF2 = request.security(ticker.modify(s05, syminfo.session), TF(tf_period2, tf_multip2), screener_func(u05))
s06_TF2 = request.security(ticker.modify(s06, syminfo.session), TF(tf_period2, tf_multip2), screener_func(u06))
s07_TF2 = request.security(ticker.modify(s07, syminfo.session), TF(tf_period2, tf_multip2), screener_func(u07))
s08_TF2 = request.security(ticker.modify(s08, syminfo.session), TF(tf_period2, tf_multip2), screener_func(u08))
s09_TF2 = request.security(ticker.modify(s09, syminfo.session), TF(tf_period2, tf_multip2), screener_func(u09))
s10_TF2 = request.security(ticker.modify(s10, syminfo.session), TF(tf_period2, tf_multip2), screener_func(u10))
s01_TF3 = request.security(ticker.modify(s01, syminfo.session), TF(tf_period3, tf_multip3), screener_func(u01))
s02_TF3 = request.security(ticker.modify(s02, syminfo.session), TF(tf_period3, tf_multip3), screener_func(u02))
s03_TF3 = request.security(ticker.modify(s03, syminfo.session), TF(tf_period3, tf_multip3), screener_func(u03))
s04_TF3 = request.security(ticker.modify(s04, syminfo.session), TF(tf_period3, tf_multip3), screener_func(u04))
s05_TF3 = request.security(ticker.modify(s05, syminfo.session), TF(tf_period3, tf_multip3), screener_func(u05))
s06_TF3 = request.security(ticker.modify(s06, syminfo.session), TF(tf_period3, tf_multip3), screener_func(u06))
s07_TF3 = request.security(ticker.modify(s07, syminfo.session), TF(tf_period3, tf_multip3), screener_func(u07))
s08_TF3 = request.security(ticker.modify(s08, syminfo.session), TF(tf_period3, tf_multip3), screener_func(u08))
s09_TF3 = request.security(ticker.modify(s09, syminfo.session), TF(tf_period3, tf_multip3), screener_func(u09))
s10_TF3 = request.security(ticker.modify(s10, syminfo.session), TF(tf_period3, tf_multip3), screener_func(u10))
s01_TF4 = request.security(ticker.modify(s01, syminfo.session), TF(tf_period4, tf_multip4), screener_func(u01))
s02_TF4 = request.security(ticker.modify(s02, syminfo.session), TF(tf_period4, tf_multip4), screener_func(u02))
s03_TF4 = request.security(ticker.modify(s03, syminfo.session), TF(tf_period4, tf_multip4), screener_func(u03))
s04_TF4 = request.security(ticker.modify(s04, syminfo.session), TF(tf_period4, tf_multip4), screener_func(u04))
s05_TF4 = request.security(ticker.modify(s05, syminfo.session), TF(tf_period4, tf_multip4), screener_func(u05))
s06_TF4 = request.security(ticker.modify(s06, syminfo.session), TF(tf_period4, tf_multip4), screener_func(u06))
s07_TF4 = request.security(ticker.modify(s07, syminfo.session), TF(tf_period4, tf_multip4), screener_func(u07))
s08_TF4 = request.security(ticker.modify(s08, syminfo.session), TF(tf_period4, tf_multip4), screener_func(u08))
s09_TF4 = request.security(ticker.modify(s09, syminfo.session), TF(tf_period4, tf_multip4), screener_func(u09))
s10_TF4 = request.security(ticker.modify(s10, syminfo.session), TF(tf_period4, tf_multip4), screener_func(u10))
////////////////////////////// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
// OutPut \\
////////////////////////////// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
// Set Table
var tbl = table.new(table_pos(in_table_pos), 7, 12, frame_color = #151715,
frame_width=1, border_width=1, border_color=color.new(color.white, 100))
// Set Up Screener Matrix
screener_mtx = matrix.new<string>(10, 6, na)
// Fill Up Matrix Cells
mtx(mtxName, row, symbol, s_TF1, s_TF2, s_TF3, s_TF4)=>
if not na(array.get(s_TF1, 0))
matrix.set(mtxName, row, 0, symbol ) //Symbol
matrix.set(mtxName, row, 1, array.get(s_TF1, 0)) //Price
matrix.set(mtxName, row, 2, array.get(s_TF1, 1)) //RSI
matrix.set(mtxName, row, 3, array.get(s_TF2, 1))
matrix.set(mtxName, row, 4, array.get(s_TF3, 1))
matrix.set(mtxName, row, 5, array.get(s_TF4, 1))
if barstate.islast
mtx(screener_mtx, 0, only_symbol(s01), s01_TF1, s01_TF2, s01_TF3, s01_TF4)
mtx(screener_mtx, 1, only_symbol(s02), s02_TF1, s02_TF2, s02_TF3, s02_TF4)
mtx(screener_mtx, 2, only_symbol(s03), s03_TF1, s03_TF2, s03_TF3, s03_TF4)
mtx(screener_mtx, 3, only_symbol(s04), s04_TF1, s04_TF2, s04_TF3, s04_TF4)
mtx(screener_mtx, 4, only_symbol(s05), s05_TF1, s05_TF2, s05_TF3, s05_TF4)
mtx(screener_mtx, 5, only_symbol(s06), s06_TF1, s06_TF2, s06_TF3, s06_TF4)
mtx(screener_mtx, 6, only_symbol(s07), s07_TF1, s07_TF2, s07_TF3, s07_TF4)
mtx(screener_mtx, 7, only_symbol(s08), s08_TF1, s08_TF2, s08_TF3, s08_TF4)
mtx(screener_mtx, 8, only_symbol(s09), s09_TF1, s09_TF2, s09_TF3, s09_TF4)
mtx(screener_mtx, 9, only_symbol(s10), s10_TF1, s10_TF2, s10_TF3, s10_TF4)
//Remove NaN rows
q= 0
while q <= matrix.rows(screener_mtx) - 1 and matrix.rows(screener_mtx) > 1
if na(matrix.get(screener_mtx, q, 0))
matrix.remove_row(screener_mtx, q)
q := q
q := q + 1
// Fill up Table
// Columns title
// Merge Columns title cells
table.cell(tbl, 0, 0, 'Symbol', bgcolor = column_title_bgcol,
text_color = cell_txtcol, text_size = table_size(in_table_size))
table.cell(tbl, 0, 1, '', bgcolor = column_title_bgcol)
table.cell(tbl, 1, 0, 'Price', bgcolor = column_title_bgcol,
text_color = cell_txtcol, text_size = table_size(in_table_size))
table.cell(tbl, 1, 1, '', bgcolor = column_title_bgcol)
table.cell(tbl, 3, 0, 'RSI', bgcolor = column_title_bgcol, text_color = cell_txtcol, text_size = table_size(in_table_size))
table.cell(tbl, 4, 0, '', bgcolor = column_title_bgcol)
table.cell(tbl, 5, 0, '', bgcolor = column_title_bgcol)
table.cell(tbl, 6, 0, '', bgcolor = column_title_bgcol)
table.merge_cells(tbl, 0, 0, 0, 1)
table.merge_cells(tbl, 1, 0, 1, 1)
table.merge_cells(tbl, 3, 0, 6, 0)
// TimeFrame
for j = 0 to 3
table.cell(tbl, j + 3, 1, array.get(tf_form, j),
text_halign = text.align_center,
bgcolor = column_title_bgcol,
text_color = cell_txtcol, text_size = table_size(in_table_size))
// Output Values
max_row = 1
for i = 0 to matrix.rows(screener_mtx) - 1
if not na(matrix.get(screener_mtx, i, 1))
// Symbol
table.cell(tbl, 0, i + 2, matrix.get(screener_mtx, i, 0),
text_halign = text.align_center, bgcolor = column_title_bgcol,
text_color = cell_txtcol, text_size = table_size(in_table_size))
// Price
table.cell(tbl, 1, i + 2, matrix.get(screener_mtx, i, 1),
text_halign = text.align_center, bgcolor = cell_bgcol,
text_color = cell_txtcol, text_size = table_size(in_table_size))
for j = 0 to 3
rsi_col = str.tonumber(matrix.get(screener_mtx, i, j + 2)) > rsi_ob ? rsi_ob_col :
str.tonumber(matrix.get(screener_mtx, i, j + 2)) < rsi_os ? rsi_os_col : cell_bgcol
table.cell(tbl, j + 3, i + 2, matrix.get(screener_mtx, i, j + 2),
text_halign = text.align_center, bgcolor = rsi_col,
text_color = cell_txtcol, text_size = table_size(in_table_size))
max_row := max_row + 1
// Separator
for k = 0 to max_row
table.cell(tbl, 2, k, "", bgcolor = column_title_bgcol, text_size = size.tiny)
table.merge_cells(tbl, 2, 0, 2, max_row)
Here is Zscore indicator code:
Code: Select all
indicator("Z-Score Indicator", overlay=true)
// Inputs
price = close
length = input(20, title="Length")
ZavgLength = input(20, title="Z-Avg Length")
// Initialize values
oneSD = ta.stdev(price, length)
avgClose = ta.sma(price, length)
ofoneSD = oneSD * price[1]
Zscorevalue = ((price - avgClose) / oneSD)
avgZv = ta.sma(Zscorevalue, 20)
// Compute and plot Z-Score
avgZscore = ta.sma(Zscorevalue, ZavgLength)
Zscore = ((price - avgClose) / oneSD)
// Buy Conditions, currently set at 0.75
conditionbuy = ta.crossover(Zscore, avgZscore) and avgZscore < -1.5
conditionsell = ta.crossunder(Zscore, avgZscore) and avgZscore > 1.5
// Plot Buy and Sell Arrows
plotshape(conditionbuy, style=shape.triangleup, color=color.rgb(0, 167, 75), location=location.belowbar, size=size.large)
plotshape(conditionsell, style=shape.triangledown, color=color.rgb(172, 34, 0), location=location.abovebar, size=size.large)