Market Structure. Minor plotting issue.
Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2024 7:50 am
Can anyone help me with a pine script code that needs some tweaking. It's related to market structure.
The problem is that after a BOS or CHoCH the New HH or LL label should be plotted. Once it is plotted the HH or LL is formed. After that the new LL or HH label should be plotted only after new BoS and CHoCH. But when it wicks the high it is then again checking the new HH LL label. It is not supposed to that. I guess flags are to be set to match the condition. But I just cannot figure it out.
It should be like this:
The problem is that after a BOS or CHoCH the New HH or LL label should be plotted. Once it is plotted the HH or LL is formed. After that the new LL or HH label should be plotted only after new BoS and CHoCH. But when it wicks the high it is then again checking the new HH LL label. It is not supposed to that. I guess flags are to be set to match the condition. But I just cannot figure it out.
Code: Select all
indicator("Structure", max_bars_back = 5000, max_labels_count = 500, max_lines_count = 500, overlay = true)
//#region variable declaration and flags
var bool mnUp = na
var bool mnDn = na
float mnStrc = na
var top = high
var bot = low
var puUp = high
var puDn = low
var L = low
var H = high
var scB = low
var scS = high
var lastH = high
var lastL = low
var lastHH = high
var lastLL = low
//bar indexes
var int puUpbar = na
var int puDnbar = na
var int scB_bar = na
var int scS_bar = na
var int Hbar = bar_index
var int Lbar = bar_index
var int lastHbar = bar_index
var int lastLbar = bar_index
var int lastHHbar = bar_index
var int lastLLbar = bar_index
//structure confirmaions
lastHL = math.max(Hbar, Lbar)
var bool isBosUp = false
var bool isBosDn = false
var bool isCocUp = true
var bool isCocDn = true
//Check Structure
var bool recentpro = false
color transp =,100)
//drawing options
equalHL = false
showHL = input.bool(true, "Mark H/L", group = "H/L marking options")
HLcolor = input.color(color.gray, "H/L color", group = "H/L marking options")
showMn = input.bool(false, "Mark out internal structure", group = "Internal structue")
puUpco = input.color( , "High pivots", inline = "mnco", group = "Internal structue")
puDnco = input.color(, "Low pivots" , inline = "mnco", group = "Internal structue")
showBC = input.bool(true, "Mark BoS/ChoCH", group = "BoS/Choch")
bull = input.color(, "Bull color", inline = "BSclor" ,group = "BoS/Choch")
bear = input.color( , "Bear color", inline = "BSclor" ,group = "BoS/Choch")
showsc = input.bool(true,"Mark previous sc", group = "sc")
showlivesc = input.bool(true,"Mark live sc", group = "sc")
scColor = input.color(color.gray, "sc color", group = "sc")
var label lv_lbl = na
var line lv_line = na
showSw = input.bool(true, "Show H/L pro lines", group = "H/L pros")
markX = input.bool(true, 'Mark "X"', group = "H/L pros")
swColor = input.color(color.gray, "pro line color", group = "H/L pros")
//max line length
maxlen = bar_index - 500
//#region drawing functions
mnMark(bool UD) =>
if showMn
x = UD ? puUpbar : puDnbar,
y = UD ? puUp : puDn,
yloc = UD ? yloc.abovebar : yloc.belowbar,
text = "",
color = UD ? puUpco : puDnco,
style = UD ? label.style_arrowdown : label.style_arrowup,
size = size.tiny
BoS_ChoCh(bool B_C, bool UpDn) =>
[HLbarid, BCprc, BCcolor, BCtxt, BCstyle] = switch
B_C == true and UpDn == true => [lastHHbar, lastHH, bull, "BoS" , label.style_label_down]
B_C == false and UpDn == true => [lastHbar , lastH , bull, "ChoCh", label.style_label_down]
B_C == false and UpDn == false => [lastLbar , lastL , bear, "ChoCh", label.style_label_up ]
B_C == true and UpDn == false => [lastLLbar, lastLL, bear, "BoS" , label.style_label_up ]
HLbarid := HLbarid < maxlen ? maxlen : HLbarid
if showBC, BCprc, bar_index, BCprc, color = BCcolor, style = line.style_dashed)
int( math.avg(bar_index,HLbarid) ), BCprc
,color = transp
,style = BCstyle
,textcolor = BCcolor
cfHL(bool ifHL) =>
[ifHLbarid, HLprc] = switch
ifHL =>
[Hbar, H]
[Lbar, L]
ifHL_txt = if ifHL
if H == lastHH
if L == lastLL
cfHLStyle = ifHL ? label.style_label_down : label.style_label_up
if showHL,HLprc,ifHL_txt, color = transp, textcolor = HLcolor, style = cfHLStyle)
pro(bool swHL, bool swHrLr) =>
swStyle = swHL ? label.style_label_down : label.style_label_up
[swHLbarid, swprc, swHL_txt] = switch
swHL == true and swHrLr == true => [lastHHbar, lastHH, "HH"]
swHL == true and swHrLr == false => [lastHbar , lastH , "LH"]
swHL == false and swHrLr == true => [lastLbar , lastL , "HL"]
swHL == false and swHrLr == false => [lastLLbar, lastLL, "LL"]
swHLbarid := swHLbarid < maxlen ? maxlen : swHLbarid
//draw pro line
if showSw,swprc,bar_index,swprc,color = swColor,style = line.style_dotted)
if markX,swHLbarid)),swprc, "X", color = transp, textcolor = swColor, style = swStyle, size = size.small)
sc(bool BS) =>
scid = BS ? scB_bar : scS_bar
scprc = BS ? scB : scS
scStyle = BS ? label.style_label_up : label.style_label_down
scid := scid < maxlen ? maxlen : scid
//draw sc takeout line
if showsc,scprc,bar_index,scprc,color = scColor,style = line.style_dotted),scid)),scprc, "SC", color = transp, textcolor = scColor, style = scStyle,size = size.small)
//#region structure mapping
//update sc
if high > lastH
if low < bot and close > open
if low < scB and lastHL != Lbar
isBosUp := false
L := low
Lbar := bar_index
scB := low
scB_bar := bar_index
scB := puDn
scB_bar := puDnbar
if low < lastL
if high > top and close < open
if high > scS and lastHL != Hbar
isBosDn := false
H := high
Hbar := bar_index
scS := high
scS_bar := bar_index
scS := puUp
scS_bar := puUpbar
//Check for sc and ChoCh
if isCocUp and lastHL != Lbar
if low < scB
if scB != lastL
isBosUp := false
if high > lastH and close < open
H := high
Hbar := bar_index
lastH := H
lastHbar := Hbar
lastHH := H
lastHHbar := Hbar
L := low
Lbar := bar_index
else if lastH != lastHH and high > lastH
if close > lastH
BoS_ChoCh(false, true)
isCocDn := false
isBosDn := false
isCocUp := true
recentpro := pro(true,false)
if isCocDn and lastHL != Hbar
if high > scS
if scS != lastH
isBosDn := false
if low < lastL and close > open
L := low
Lbar := bar_index
lastL := L
lastLbar := Lbar
lastLL := L
lastLLbar := Lbar
H := high
Hbar := bar_index
else if low < lastL and lastL != lastLL
if close < lastL
isCocDn := true
isCocUp := false
isBosUp := false
recentpro := pro(false,true)
//Check for BoS
if isBosUp == false
if high > lastHH
if close > lastHH
lastL := L
lastLbar := Lbar
isCocUp := true
isBosUp := true
isCocDn := false
isBosDn := false
recentpro := pro(true,true)
if isBosDn == false
if low < lastLL
if close < lastLL
lastH := H
lastHbar := Hbar
isCocUp := false
isBosUp := false
isCocDn := true
isBosDn := true
recentpro := pro(false,false)
//#region internal structure
if high > top
if low > bot
mnDn :=false
mnUp := true
if low < bot
if high < top
mnUp := false
mnDn := true
if mnUp[1] and not mnUp
if mnDn[1] and not mnDn
if high > top
puUp := high
puUpbar := bar_index
if low < bot
puDn := low
puDnbar := bar_index
top := high
bot := low
if high > top
top := high
bot := low
//#region auto update High and Low vars
if high > H
H := high
Hbar := bar_index
if high > lastH
lastH := high
lastHbar := bar_index
if high > lastHH
lastHH := high
lastHHbar := bar_index
if low < L
L := low
Lbar := bar_index
if low < scB
scB := low
scB_bar := bar_index
if low < lastL
lastL := low
lastLbar := bar_index
if low < lastLL
lastLL := low
lastLLbar := bar_index
It should be like this: