Pine Script Scholar
Pine Script Scholar
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Joined: February 22nd, 2023
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How can I leave a Trailstop with a specific date in each Ticker that applies that indicator?

His Guys please your help to solve this question
I am testing the trailstop indicator in different stocks markets, when I add the indicator and it asks me to set the starting point, this also changes the date in all the tickers that had already been configured in the same indicator, changing the start dates of the trailstop in all of them.

How can I leave the same indicator independently for each ticker without creating a copy with a different name for each ticket that wants to use it?

Thanks for your help

Steve Burman
Posts: 109
Joined: January 13th, 2023

Re: How can I leave a Trailstop with a specific date in each Ticker that applies that indicator?

Hi, sorry I don't fully understand what you mean by "changes the date in all the tickers that had already been configured in the same indicatorchanges the date in all the tickers that had already been configured in the same indicator". Can you please show me an example so I can visually see it together with highlighting or circling what you mean on the chart?

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