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Bar index of ta.highest bar

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2023 11:13 pm
by mizu
Hi, :zen:

It's something I cudnt gest solution for, maybe You guys know the way..

There is an array with list of several bar_index values

For this values I want to find the bar with the highest high, and store that bar_index/value in anothe arry

is there any good way of geting the bar_index of the ta.highest(high, 20)? :annoyed:


Re: Bar index of ta.highest bar

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2023 10:17 pm
by Steve Burman
Hi Michal,

Yes, the theory of loading up the highest high values and bar_index over the last 20 bars into an array is good. I'd love to help but my experience with arrays is limited. Hopefully someone else can help you.