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How to extract the screener / alert from this script?

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2022 4:33 pm
by EveryDayBetter
So that it is possible to use the screener for every strategy?

Code: Select all

indicator("Screener 1", overlay=true, max_bars_back=4000)

// General Function
f_barssince(_cond, _count) =>
    _barssince = int(math.max(1, nz(bar_index - ta.valuewhen(_cond, bar_index, _count))))

barssince(_cond, _count) => int(math.max(1, nz(f_barssince(_cond, _count))))
f_vw(cond, expr, count) => ta.valuewhen(cond, expr, count)

tostring(x, y)=> x + str.tostring(y)

var int dec = str.length(str.tostring(syminfo.mintick))-2

truncate(number, decimals) =>
    factor = math.pow(10, decimals)
    int(number * factor) / factor

// --------
gr1         = 'Table Style'
tabPosI     = 'Middle' //input.string('Middle', 'Table Position', ['Top', 'Middle', 'Bot'], group=gr1)
titleCol    = color.white //input.color(color.white, 'Background -- Title', '', '1', gr1)
pairCol     = color.white //input.color(color.white, 'Pair', '', '1', gr1)
textCol     = //input.color(, 'Text Color', group=gr1)

textSizeI   = 'Small' //input.string('Small', 'Text Size', ['Small', 'Tiny', 'Normal'], group=gr1)
textSize    = textSizeI=='Small'? size.small : textSizeI=='Tiny'? size.tiny : size.normal 

tabPos      = tabPosI=='Top'? position.top_right : tabPosI=='Bot'? position.bottom_right : position.middle_right
screenerTable   =, 50,50,,100),, 1,, 1)
prd         =, title='Period', minval=2)
bo_len      =, title='Max Breakout Length', minval=30, maxval=300)
cwidthu     = input.float(defval=3., title='Threshold Rate %', minval=1., maxval=10) / 100
mintest     =, title='Minimum Number of Tests', minval=1)
bocolorup   = input.color(, title='Breakout Colors', inline='bocol')
bocolordown = input.color(, title='', inline='bocol')
lstyle      = input.string(defval=line.style_solid, title='Line Style', options=[line.style_solid, line.style_dashed, line.style_dotted])

    //keep Pivot Points and their locations in the arrays
    var phval = array.new_float(0)
    var phloc = array.new_int(0)
    var plval = array.new_float(0)
    var plloc = array.new_int(0)

    lll             = math.max(math.min(bar_index, 300), 1)
    float h_        = ta.highest(lll)
    float l_        = ta.lowest(lll)
    float chwidth = (h_ - l_) * cwidthu

    // check if PH/PL
    ph = ta.pivothigh(prd, prd)
    pl = ta.pivotlow(prd, prd)

    // keep PH/PL levels and locations
    if ph
        array.unshift(phval, ph)    
        array.unshift(phloc, bar_index - prd)
        if array.size(phval) > 1  // cleanup old ones
            for x = array.size(phloc) - 1 to 1 by 1
                if bar_index - array.get(phloc, x) > bo_len

    if pl
        array.unshift(plval, pl)
        array.unshift(plloc, bar_index - prd)
        if array.size(plval) > 1  // cleanup old ones
            for x = array.size(plloc) - 1 to 1 by 1
                if bar_index - array.get(plloc, x) > bo_len

    float bomax = na
    int bostart = bar_index
    num         = 0
    hgst        = ta.highest(prd)[1]

    if array.size(phval) >= mintest and close > open and close > hgst
        bomax   := array.get(phval, 0)
        xx      = 0
        for x = 0 to array.size(phval) - 1 by 1
            if array.get(phval, x) >= close
            xx := x
            bomax := math.max(bomax, array.get(phval, x))
        if xx >= mintest and open <= bomax
            for x = 0 to xx by 1
                if array.get(phval, x) <= bomax and array.get(phval, x) >= bomax - chwidth
                    num += 1
                    bostart := array.get(phloc, x)
            if num < mintest or hgst >= bomax
                bomax := na
    breakup = not na(bomax) and num >= mintest and barstate.isconfirmed
    [breakup, bomax, bostart, chwidth]

[lCond, bomax, bostart, chwidth] = fData()
if lCond  , bomax             , bostart   , bomax             , color=bocolorup, style=lstyle)  , bomax - chwidth   , bostart   , bomax - chwidth   , color=bocolorup, style=lstyle)    , bomax - chwidth   , bostart   , bomax             , color=bocolorup, style=lstyle)  , bomax - chwidth   , bar_index , bomax             , color=bocolorup, style=lstyle)

plotshape(lCond, location=location.belowbar, style=shape.triangleup, color=bocolorup, size=size.small)

// -------
// Screener
showTable   = false
fScreen(pair, tf, rowNumber, colNumber)=>
    [lCond_, bomax_, bostart_, chwidth_] =, tf, fData(), ignore_invalid_symbol=true)
    reqCond1    = str.tostring(ta.barssince(lCond_))
    Col1        =
    fixRow      = rowNumber+1
    if pair!='' and lCond_ 
        alert('BreakUp on' +pair+tf, alert.freq_once_per_bar_close)
    fixCol2     = colNumber==1? 0 : 2
    fixCol1     = colNumber==1? 1 : 3
    if pair!='' and showTable  
        table.cell(screenerTable, fixCol1, 0, 'Pair'              , bgcolor=titleCol, text_size=textSize, text_color=textCol)
        table.cell(screenerTable, fixCol1, rowNumber, pair+' '+tf , bgcolor=pairCol , text_size=textSize, text_color=textCol)
        table.cell(screenerTable, fixCol2, 0, 'Condition'         , bgcolor=titleCol, text_size=textSize, text_color=textCol)
        table.cell(screenerTable, fixCol2, rowNumber, reqCond1    , bgcolor=pairCol , text_size=textSize, text_color=textCol)

// Input Pair and TF
// Input Pair and TF
gr12    = 'Watchlist'
pair1   = input.symbol('AAPL', '1', '', '1', gr12, true), tf1 = input.timeframe('D', '', inline='1', group= gr12, confirm=true) 
pair2   = input.symbol('GOOGL', '2', '', '2', gr12, true), tf2 = input.timeframe('D', '', inline='2', group= gr12, confirm=true) 
pair3   = input.symbol('AMZN', '3', '', '3', gr12, true), tf3 = input.timeframe('D', '', inline='3', group= gr12, confirm=true) 
pair4   = input.symbol('CSCO', '4', '', '4', gr12, true), tf4 = input.timeframe('D', '', inline='4', group= gr12, confirm=true) 
pair5   = input.symbol('COST', '5', '', '5', gr12, true), tf5 = input.timeframe('D', '', inline='5', group= gr12, confirm=true) 
pair6   = input.symbol('ADBE', '6', '', '6', gr12, true), tf6 = input.timeframe('D', '', inline='6', group= gr12, confirm=true) 
pair7   = input.symbol('CMCSA', '7', '', '7', gr12, true), tf7 = input.timeframe('D', '', inline='7', group= gr12, confirm=true) 
pair8   = input.symbol('AMD', '8', '', '8', gr12, true), tf8 = input.timeframe('D', '', inline='8', group= gr12, confirm=true) 
pair9   = input.symbol('INTC', '9', '', '9', gr12, true), tf9 = input.timeframe('D', '', inline='9', group= gr12, confirm=true) 
pair10  = input.symbol('HON', '10', '', '10', gr12, true), tf10 = input.timeframe('D', '', inline='10', group= gr12, confirm=true) 
pair11  = input.symbol('AMGN', '11', '', '11', gr12, true), tf11 = input.timeframe('D', '', inline='11', group= gr12, confirm=true) 
pair12  = input.symbol('ASML', '12', '', '12', gr12, true), tf12 = input.timeframe('D', '', inline='12', group= gr12, confirm=true) 
pair13  = input.symbol('LVMH', '13', '', '13', gr12, true), tf13 = input.timeframe('D', '', inline='13', group= gr12, confirm=true) 
pair14  = input.symbol('DOCU', '14', '', '14', gr12, true), tf14 = input.timeframe('D', '', inline='14', group= gr12, confirm=true) 
pair15  = input.symbol('AFX', '15', '', '15', gr12, true), tf15 = input.timeframe('D', '', inline='15', group= gr12, confirm=true) 
pair16  = input.symbol('MSFT', '16', '', '16', gr12, true), tf16 = input.timeframe('D', '', inline='16', group= gr12, confirm=true) 
pair17  = input.symbol('FB', '17', '', '17', gr12, true), tf17 = input.timeframe('D', '', inline='17', group= gr12, confirm=true) 
pair18  = input.symbol('TSLA', '18', '', '18', gr12, true), tf18 = input.timeframe('D', '', inline='18', group= gr12, confirm=true) 
pair19  = input.symbol('NVDA', '19', '', '19', gr12, true), tf19 = input.timeframe('D', '', inline='19', group= gr12, confirm=true) 
pair20  = input.symbol('PEP', '20', '', '20', gr12, true), tf20 = input.timeframe('D', '', inline='20', group= gr12, confirm=true) 
pair21  = input.symbol('QCOM', '21', '', '21', gr12, true), tf21 = input.timeframe('D', '', inline='21', group= gr12, confirm=true) 
pair22  = input.symbol('NFLX', '22', '', '22', gr12, true), tf22 = input.timeframe('D', '', inline='22', group= gr12, confirm=true) 
pair23  = input.symbol('ISRG', '23', '', '23', gr12, true), tf23 = input.timeframe('D', '', inline='23', group= gr12, confirm=true) 
pair24  = input.symbol('MU', '24', '', '24', gr12, true), tf24 = input.timeframe('D', '', inline='24', group= gr12, confirm=true) 
pair25  = input.symbol('MNST', '25', '', '25', gr12, true), tf25 = input.timeframe('D', '', inline='25', group= gr12, confirm=true) 
pair26  = input.symbol('ORLY', '26', '', '26', gr12, true), tf26 = input.timeframe('D', '', inline='26', group= gr12, confirm=true) 
pair27  = input.symbol('MCHP', '27', '', '27', gr12, true), tf27 = input.timeframe('D', '', inline='27', group= gr12, confirm=true) 
pair28  = input.symbol('MMM', '28', '', '28', gr12, true), tf28 = input.timeframe('D', '', inline='28', group= gr12, confirm=true) 
pair29  = input.symbol('ABT', '29', '', '29', gr12, true), tf29 = input.timeframe('D', '', inline='29', group= gr12, confirm=true) 
pair30  = input.symbol('ABBV', '30', '', '30', gr12, true), tf30 = input.timeframe('D', '', inline='30', group= gr12, confirm=true) 
pair31  = input.symbol('ACN', '31', '', '31', gr12, true), tf31 = input.timeframe('D', '', inline='31', group= gr12, confirm=true) 
pair32  = input.symbol('ALGN', '32', '', '32', gr12, true), tf32 = input.timeframe('D', '', inline='32', group= gr12, confirm=true) 
pair33  = input.symbol('AWK', '33', '', '33', gr12, true), tf33 = input.timeframe('D', '', inline='33', group= gr12, confirm=true) 
pair34  = input.symbol('AMAT', '34', '', '34', gr12, true), tf34 = input.timeframe('D', '', inline='34', group= gr12, confirm=true) 
pair35  = input.symbol('ADP', '35', '', '35', gr12, true), tf35 = input.timeframe('D', '', inline='35', group= gr12, confirm=true) 
pair36  = input.symbol('AZO', '36', '', '36', gr12, true)   , tf36 = input.timeframe('D', '', inline='36', group= gr12, confirm=true)
pair37  = input.symbol('BAC', '37', '', '37', gr12, true)   , tf37 = input.timeframe('D', '', inline='37', group= gr12, confirm=true)
pair38  = input.symbol('BIOGEN', '38', '', '38', gr12, true), tf38 = input.timeframe('D', '', inline='38', group= gr12, confirm=true)
pair39  = input.symbol('CDNS', '39', '', '39', gr12, true)  , tf39 = input.timeframe('D', '', inline='39', group= gr12, confirm=true)
pair40  = input.symbol('CZR', '40', '', '40', gr12, true)   , tf40 = input.timeframe('D', '', inline='40', group= gr12, confirm=true)

fScreen(pair1, tf1, 2, 1)
fScreen(pair2, tf2, 3, 1)
fScreen(pair3, tf3, 4, 1)
fScreen(pair4, tf4, 5, 1)
fScreen(pair5, tf5, 6, 1)
fScreen(pair6, tf6, 7, 1)
fScreen(pair7, tf7, 8, 1)
fScreen(pair8, tf8, 9, 1)
fScreen(pair9, tf9, 10, 1)
fScreen(pair10, tf10, 11, 1)
fScreen(pair11, tf11, 12, 1)
fScreen(pair12, tf12, 13, 1)
fScreen(pair13, tf13, 14, 1)
fScreen(pair14, tf14, 15, 1)
fScreen(pair15, tf15, 16, 1)
fScreen(pair16, tf16, 17, 1)
fScreen(pair17, tf17, 18, 1)
fScreen(pair18, tf18, 19, 1)
fScreen(pair19, tf19, 20, 1)
fScreen(pair20, tf20, 1, 2)
fScreen(pair21, tf21, 2, 2)
fScreen(pair22, tf22, 3, 2)
fScreen(pair23, tf23, 4, 2)
fScreen(pair24, tf24, 5, 2)
fScreen(pair25, tf25, 6, 2)
fScreen(pair26, tf26, 7, 2)
fScreen(pair27, tf27, 8, 2)
fScreen(pair28, tf28, 9, 2)
fScreen(pair29, tf29, 10, 2)
fScreen(pair30, tf30, 11, 2)
fScreen(pair31, tf31, 12, 2)
fScreen(pair32, tf32, 13, 2)
fScreen(pair33, tf33, 14, 2)
fScreen(pair34, tf34, 15, 2)
fScreen(pair35, tf35, 16, 2)
fScreen(pair36, tf36, 17, 2)
fScreen(pair37, tf37, 18, 2)
fScreen(pair38, tf38, 19, 2)
fScreen(pair39, tf39, 20, 2)
fScreen(pair40, tf40, 21, 2)

Re: How to extract the screener / alert from this script?

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2022 8:11 pm
by processingclouds
Sorry , but your question is not clear.
Can you please explain more on what you are trying to do ?

Re: How to extract the screener / alert from this script?

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2022 8:31 pm
by EveryDayBetter
processingclouds wrote:
Thu Mar 03, 2022 8:11 pm
Sorry , but your question is not clear.
Can you please explain more on what you are trying to do ?

Thank you for your answer. The code set up multiple alerts for 40 stock for a special indicator.
I would like to use the multiple alerts for any other indicator / strategy.

So my thought was to extract the multiple alerts from this code, so it should be possible to use it in other script an add the relevant values. Is this possible?

Re: How to extract the screener / alert from this script?

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2022 9:28 pm
by processingclouds
Yes you can.

You can use to get the other stock details and than do your conditions over them. You can than setup alerts on them if they meet your criteria.

Main function to pull the data is , you can loop it, or call it inside a function like the script. Or you can have sequential lines to pull them.

Re: How to extract the screener / alert from this script?

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2022 6:12 pm
by EveryDayBetter
Thank you, I will try.