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Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2020 9:40 pm
by Gaz1892a
hey all, right, following on from my last post, ive simplified the script to see if i can convey things a little better.
so i'm trying to get the ATR plot to print from a macd long signal.

Code: Select all

study(title="MACD", shorttitle="MACD test drawing", overlay=true)
// Getting inputs

atrper              = input(14, "ATR Period")
multiplier          = input(1.5, title="ATR Stop Mulitplier") 
spread              = input(0) / 100, title="Spread"

src_m               = close
fast_length         = 12
slow_length         = 26
signal_length       = 9
fast_ma             = ema(src_m, fast_length)
slow_ma             = ema(src_m, slow_length)
macd                = fast_ma - slow_ma
signal              = ema(macd, signal_length)

atr                 = rma(atr(1), atrper)
atrplot             = plot(atr *1.5, color=#f70808)//, display=display.none)

//Bar Color//
bclongm             = (macd > signal)
bcshortm            = (macd < signal)
barcolor(bclongm ? color.white : bcshortm ? : na)

longm               = crossover (macd, signal)
shortm              = crossunder (macd, signal)

buy = longm

longsl = close - atr * multiplier


line1 = valuewhen (buy, close, 0) 
//line2 = valuewhen (longsl, close,0) // Trying to write the valuewhen for the longsl (atr stop loss form signal close of MACD) it doesnt work
line2 = buy ? longsl : na  //why do i have to write this line like this and not like line 40? 

plot (line1, color=line1!=line1[1] ? na : color.white, style=plot.style_linebr, transp=0)
//plot (line2, color=line2!=line2[1] ? na : color.white, style=plot.style_linebr, transp=0) // if i could get the atr stop to plot like this then it'll be ideal as i will have the value of said atr stop
plot (fixnan (line2), color=line2!=line2[1] ? na :, style=plot.style_cross, join=false) // also can only get the atr stop and line 42 to print if i do like this, why??
how the hell can i write a valuewhen line for the longsl (atr stoploss)
i have to write it the way ive done it above, notes in the script itself on the lines
any help will be gratefully appreciated as this is starting to get annoying :weary: :rofl:
as you can see I can get the MACD signal close to print a lovely nice white line, but, the atr has to be plotted with circles for some reason and cant get a valuewhen of that plot.

I dont want to go down the route as has limitations of historic plots
