Pine Script Rookie
Pine Script Rookie
Posts: 1
Joined: August 15th, 2021


Hi everybody,
I would like to be change this script so that i can customize the day opening time close time, instead of having it defined to UTC as it seems to be default on trading view for time and timenow functions.
Is that something possible to do ? I checked a bit and it seems very complicated for me.
Kind regards

// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/
// © sbtnc
// 2020-01-12

study("Day Week Month Highs & Lows", shorttitle = "DWM HL", overlay = true)

//------------------------------ Inputs ------------------------------

i_dayLookback = input(defval = 2, minval = 0, title = "Previous Days")
i_weekLookback = input(defval = 1, minval = 0, title = "Previous Weeks")
i_monthLookback = input(defval = 1, minval = 0, title = "Previous Months")

//----------------------------- Constants -----------------------------

var DEFAULT_COLOR = #434651

//------------------------------ Styling ------------------------------

var dayColor = color.new(DEFAULT_COLOR, DEFAULT_TRANSP)
var dayLinewidth = 1
var dayStyle = plot.style_circles

var weekColor = color.new(DEFAULT_COLOR, DEFAULT_TRANSP)
var weekLinewidth = 2
var weekStyle = plot.style_cross

var monthColor = color.new(DEFAULT_COLOR, DEFAULT_TRANSP)
var monthLinewidth = 3
var monthStyle = plot.style_cross

//----------------------------- Securities ----------------------------

[dayStart, dayHigh, dayLow, isLastDay] = security(syminfo.tickerid, 'D', [time, high, low, barstate.islast], lookahead = barmerge.lookahead_on)
[weekStart, weekHigh, weekLow, isLastWeek, lastTradingDayOfTheWeek] = security(syminfo.tickerid, 'W', [time, high, low, barstate.islast, time_tradingday], lookahead = barmerge.lookahead_on)
[monthStart, monthHigh, monthLow, isLastMonth] = security(syminfo.tickerid, 'M', [time, high, low, barstate.islast], lookahead = barmerge.lookahead_on)

//----------------------------- Functions -----------------------------

// Check if current time is within the first session of the day (e.g. EURUSD Monday 00:00-16:59)
f_isFirstSession() => hour(timenow) < hour(dayStart)

// Check if current time is within the last session of the day (e.g. EURUSD Monday 17:00-23:59)
f_isLastSession() => hour(timenow) >= hour(dayStart)

// Check if current date is on a given weekday
f_isWeekday(_weekday) => dayofweek(timenow) == _weekday

// Get from a given date the weekday count ordered from Monday to Sunday [1-7]
f_getWeekday(_t) => dayofweek(_t) == dayofweek.sunday ? 7 : dayofweek(_t) -1

// Get index of the current weekday ordered from Monday to Sunday [0-6]
f_getWeekdayIndex() => f_getWeekday(timenow) - 1

//------------------------------- Logic -------------------------------

// The calculation for the display in a range from right to left starts at current date `timenow`
// On non 24x7 markets, there is an inherent problematic of missing bars when market are closed (holidays, weekends)
// While it isn't possible to account for holidays we can adjust the range on weekends

isMarket24x7 = f_getWeekday(lastTradingDayOfTheWeek) == 7

currentSessionIdx = not isMarket24x7 and f_isLastSession() ? (f_isWeekday(dayofweek.sunday) ? 0 : f_getWeekdayIndex() + 1) : f_getWeekdayIndex()

isOverlapingWeekend = currentSessionIdx - i_dayLookback < 0

isSaturdaySession = currentSessionIdx == 5

isSundaySession = currentSessionIdx == 6

// Adjustments:

// 1. If a trading session overlaps two days (e.g. forex 17:00 - 17:00) we adjust at the first day
adjustmentForOvernightSession = f_isFirstSession() ? 1 : 0

// 2. When trading into the week we adjust at the first trading session
adjustmentForWeekStartDate = currentSessionIdx

// 3. When previous x days overlap a weekend and if market was closed we adjust at previous week's last trading session
adjustmentForWeekend = 0

// 4. When current time is on a weekend, if market is closed we adjust at the last trading session
adjustmentForWeekendOverlap = 0

if not isMarket24x7
adjustmentForWeekend := isSaturdaySession ? 1 : isSundaySession ? 2 : 0
adjustmentForWeekendOverlap := isOverlapingWeekend ? 2 : 0

dayLimitLeft = timestamp(
dayofmonth(timenow) - adjustmentForOvernightSession - adjustmentForWeekendOverlap - adjustmentForWeekend - i_dayLookback,

weekLimitLeft = timestamp(
dayofmonth(timenow) - adjustmentForOvernightSession - adjustmentForWeekStartDate - adjustmentForWeekend - i_weekLookback * 7,

monthLimitLeft = timestamp(
month(timenow) - i_monthLookback,
1 - adjustmentForOvernightSession,

canShowDay = time >= dayLimitLeft and not isLastDay and timeframe.isintraday
canShowWeek = time >= weekLimitLeft and not isLastWeek and not timeframe.isweekly and not timeframe.ismonthly
canShowMonth = time >= monthLimitLeft and not isLastMonth and not timeframe.ismonthly

//------------------------- Plotting ---------------------------------

plot(canShowDay ? dayHigh : na, title = "Day Highs", linewidth = dayLinewidth, color = dayColor, style = dayStyle)
plot(canShowDay ? dayLow : na, title = "Day Lows", linewidth = dayLinewidth, color = dayColor, style = dayStyle)
plot(canShowWeek ? weekHigh : na, title = "Week Highs", linewidth = weekLinewidth, color = weekColor, style = weekStyle)
plot(canShowWeek ? weekLow : na, title = "Week Lows", linewidth = weekLinewidth, color = weekColor, style = weekStyle)
plot(canShowMonth ? monthHigh : na, title = "Month Highs", linewidth = monthLinewidth, color = monthColor, style = monthStyle)
plot(canShowMonth ? monthLow : na, title = "Month Lows", linewidth = monthLinewidth, color = monthColor, style = monthStyle)

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