Pine Script Rookie
Pine Script Rookie
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Making Label Optional

Hello -
I have this label script and would like to make it optional to display. Where would I place the condition (? and : na)?

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f_print(_text) => var _label = label.new(time, y=na, text=_text, xloc=xloc.bar_time, yloc=yloc.price, color=color.white, style=label.style_label_center,
 textcolor=color.black, size=size.large, textalign=text.align_left),
 label.set_xy(_label, time + left_rightOffset, highestHigh),
 label.set_text(_label, _text),
 label.set_color(_label, labelCol),
 label.set_textcolor(_label, textCol)
f_print(syminfo.ticker + ", " + timeframe.period + "\n" + atrText + "\n" + kijunText  + "\n" + candleSizeTxt + "\n" + perText)

This label (dashboard ) is a work in progress, here is the full script

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// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/
// © ForexTradingIdeas

study("Watermark Label", shorttitle="Watermark", overlay=true, precision=5)

// Kijun-Sen Line
show_kijun      = input(false, title="Show Kijun-Sen Line", type=input.bool)
donchian(len)   => avg(lowest(len), highest(len))
kijun_Sen_Line  = donchian(26)
plot            (show_kijun ? kijun_Sen_Line : na, color= close > kijun_Sen_Line ? color.lime : color.blue, title="Kijun", linewidth=1)

// Watermark Input
// showWaterMrk     = input(title="Show WaterMark Details", type=input.bool, defval=true)
title               = input(false, title="Determine Watermark Location", type=input.bool)
hhLookback          = input(title="Highest High Lookback", type=input.integer, defval=21, minval=1)
up_down_YLoc        = input(title="Y Location = HH + ATR Multiple", type=input.float, defval=3.0, step=0.5)
left_right_XLoc     = input(title="X Location = # of bars from live bar", type=input.integer, defval=1)
divider             = input(false, title=" Dashboard Inputs ", type=input.bool)

// Dashboard input and calculations
atrMult         = input(title="ATR Multiplier Factor", type=input.float, defval=1.25, step=0.25, minval=0)
atr             = atr(14)
atrMultValue    = round(((atr * atrMult) / syminfo.mintick) / 10)
atrText         = "ATR * " + tostring(atrMult) + " = " + tostring(atrMultValue)
candleSize      = abs((high-low) / syminfo.mintick) / 10
avgCndlSize     = (avg(abs(high-low), abs(high[1]-low[1]), abs(high[2]-low[2]), abs(high[3]-low[3]), abs(high[4]-low[4]))) / syminfo.mintick / 10
candleSizeTxt   = "Avg[5] Candle Size " + tostring(avgCndlSize) + "\n" + "Current Candle Size " + tostring(candleSize)
bullKijun       = close > kijun_Sen_Line 
bearKijun       = close < kijun_Sen_Line 
kijunSignal     = iff(bullKijun, "Bullish", "Bearish")
kijunText       = "Kijun is " + kijunSignal
perText         = "Trade edges, ONLY"

//  Watermark Label Calculations
bar_Duration        = time - time[1]
left_rightOffset    = left_right_XLoc * bar_Duration
highestHigh         = highest(high, hhLookback) + (atr(14)) * up_down_YLoc
labelCol            = close[1]>open[1] ? color.green : color.red
textCol             = close[1]>open[1] ?color.white : color.yellow

// Label - label.new(x, y, text, xloc, yloc, color, style, textcolor, size, textalign, tooltip)
// Label.new variables
f_print(_text) => var _label = label.new(time, y=na, text=_text, xloc=xloc.bar_time, yloc=yloc.price, color=color.white, style=label.style_label_center,
 textcolor=color.black, size=size.large, textalign=text.align_left),
 label.set_xy(_label, time + left_rightOffset, highestHigh),
 label.set_text(_label, _text),
 label.set_color(_label, labelCol),
 label.set_textcolor(_label, textCol)
f_print(syminfo.ticker + ", " + timeframe.period + "\n" + atrText + "\n" + kijunText  + "\n" + candleSizeTxt + "\n" + perText)

Also is there a better way to do averages?

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avgCndlSize     = (avg(abs(high-low), abs(high[1]-low[1]), abs(high[2]-low[2]), abs(high[3]-low[3]), abs(high[4]-low[4]))) / syminfo.mintick / 10
Thank you and I hope your finding winning trades.

Pine Script Rookie
Pine Script Rookie
Posts: 20
Joined: December 21st, 2020
Contact: TradingView Profile

Re: Making Label Optional

Conditional label.

Create a boolean input to turn the label display on an off, then place the function call in an if statement

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ShowLabel = input(defval=true, title="Show Label", type=input.bool)

f_print(_text) => var _label = label.new(time, y=na, text=_text, xloc=xloc.bar_time, yloc=yloc.price, color=color.white, style=label.style_label_center,
 textcolor=color.black, size=size.large, textalign=text.align_left),
 label.set_xy(_label, time + left_rightOffset, highestHigh),
 label.set_text(_label, _text),
 label.set_color(_label, labelCol),
 label.set_textcolor(_label, textCol)

if ShowLabel
	f_print(syminfo.ticker + ", " + timeframe.period + "\n" + atrText + "\n" + kijunText  + "\n" + candleSizeTxt + "\n" + perText)

I'm not aware of a more efficient way to do averages. You could simplify it a little like this:

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cSize = abs(high-low)
avgCndlSize     = avg(cSize, cSize[1], cSize[2], cSize[3], cSize[4]) / syminfo.mintick / 10
Hope that helps.

Pine Script Rookie
Pine Script Rookie
Posts: 22
Joined: September 6th, 2020
Location: Toronto
Contact: Twitter TradingView Profile

Re: Making Label Optional

@kmarryat You're awesome, man!
This will now allow me to combine some indicators and labels, even differentiate between label dashboards within one script.

I'd like to learn more about using labels, I can see a lot of value in them.


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