Pine Script Rookie
Pine Script Rookie
Posts: 1
Joined: February 12th, 2023

Getting stuck with horizontal line code. plz help
I've posted a photo of my chart. I have been able to create horizontal lines from a few of the Labeled highs/lows, but i'm stuck with how to get horizontal lines to come from Each Labeled high/low. Any help would be extremely appreciated.

Here's the code:

indicator("FBT Order", overlay = true, max_labels_count = 500, max_lines_count = 500, max_boxes_count = 500)

exend_lines = = 1, title = "extend lines", minval = 0, maxval = 10, step = 1)
zig_up_color = input.color(defval = color.rgb(76, 175, 79, 100), title = "zigzag uptrend color")
zig_dn_color = input.color(defval = color.rgb(255, 82, 82, 100), title = "zigzag uptrend color")
upper_line_color = input.color(defval = #707177, title = "upper line color")
lower_line_color = input.color(defval = #707177, title = "lower line color")
upper_text_color = input.color(defval = #707177, title = "upper text color")
lower_text_color = input.color(defval = #707177, title = "lower text color")
inside_bar_color = input.color(defval = #bdced9, title = "inside bar color")
ohlc4_up_color = input.color(defval = color.rgb(76, 175, 79, 100), title = "zigzag uptrend color")
ohlc4_dn_color = input.color(defval = color.rgb(255, 82, 82, 100), title = "zigzag uptrend color")

var float zig_zag = 0.0
var int trend = 0
var color zig_zag_color = na
outside_bar = high > high[1] and low < low[1]
inside_bar = high < high[1] and low > low[1]
var float A = 0.0
var int A_index = 0
var float B = 0.0
var int B_index = 0
var float C = 0.0
var int C_index = 0
var float D = 0.0
var int D_index = 0
var string label_text = ""
var bool red_line_crossed = false
var bool green_line_crossed = false
var string last_live_line = ""

if barstate.isconfirmed
if high >= high[1] and low >= low[1]
trend := 1
else if low <= low[1] and high <= high[1]
trend := -1
if trend == 1 and inside_bar// and not(inside_bar[1])
trend := -1
else if trend == -1 and inside_bar// and not(inside_bar[1])
trend := 1
if trend == 1 and outside_bar// and not(outside_bar[1])
if ohlc4 < ohlc4[1]
trend := -1
trend := 1
else if trend == -1 and outside_bar// and not(outside_bar[1])
if ohlc4 < ohlc4[1]
trend := -1
trend := 1
if trend == 1
zig_zag := high
zig_zag_color := zig_up_color
else if trend == -1
zig_zag := low
zig_zag_color := zig_dn_color

if trend != trend[1] and barstate.isconfirmed
A := B
A_index := bar_index - 1
B := C
B_index := bar_index - 1
C := D
C_index := bar_index - 1
D := zig_zag[1]
D_index := bar_index - 1
if trend == 1 and outside_bar and low < D
D := low
D_index := bar_index
if trend == -1 and outside_bar and high > D
D := high
D_index := bar_index
if trend == -1 and D > B
label_text := "HH"
if trend == -1 and D < B
label_text := "LH", D, bar_index + exend_lines, D, xloc = xloc.bar_index, color = upper_line_color)
last_live_line := "upper_line"
green_line_crossed := false
if trend == 1 and D < B
label_text := "LL"
if trend == 1 and D > B
label_text := "HL", D, bar_index + exend_lines, D, xloc = xloc.bar_index, color = lower_line_color)
last_live_line := "lower_line"
red_line_crossed := false = D_index, y = D, text = label_text, xloc = xloc.bar_index, yloc = trend == 1 ? yloc.belowbar : yloc.abovebar, color = na, style = label.style_none, textcolor = trend == -1 ? upper_text_color : lower_text_color, size = size.normal)

a_lines = line.all

if barstate.isconfirmed and array.size(a_lines) > 0// and trend == trend[1]
if last_live_line == "lower_line"
if low < line.get_y1(array.get(a_lines, array.size(a_lines) - 1))
red_line_crossed := true
line.set_x2(array.get(a_lines, array.size(a_lines) - 1), bar_index + exend_lines)
alert("CHOCH " + syminfo.tickerid)
last_live_line := ""
else if red_line_crossed == false
line.set_x2(array.get(a_lines, array.size(a_lines) - 1), bar_index + exend_lines)
if last_live_line == "upper_line"
if high > line.get_y1(array.get(a_lines, array.size(a_lines) - 1))
green_line_crossed := true
line.set_x2(array.get(a_lines, array.size(a_lines) - 1), bar_index + exend_lines)
alert("CHOCH " + syminfo.tickerid)
last_live_line := ""
else if green_line_crossed == false
line.set_x2(array.get(a_lines, array.size(a_lines) - 1), bar_index + exend_lines)
if red_line_crossed[1]
red_line_crossed := false
if green_line_crossed[1]
green_line_crossed := false

barcolor(inside_bar ? inside_bar_color : na)

Steve Burman
Posts: 109
Joined: January 13th, 2023

Re: Getting stuck with horizontal line code. plz help

So just trying to clarify, when you mentioned not all labelled highs/lows are drawing, are you talking about wanting lines for each pivot point? If so it looks like your logic for pivot points may need tweeking. If not, then please explain further.

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