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Bollinger Bands on higher time frame

I created an indicator that identifies candle patterns on the 15 minute chart. However, for a setup to be valid it must touch the bollinger band on the 30 and 60 minute charts also. Using the training video for higher time frame EMA setup as a template, I tried to generate bollinger bands but am having no luck getting them to match the actual BB values on a 60 minute chart. I think it has to do with my source. Below is the current script. I tried two methods, one is // out, but it should be clear what I was trying to do.

//user input
res60 = input.timeframe(title="SMA Timeframe", defval="60")
res30 = input.timeframe(title="SMA Timeframe", defval="30")
len ="SMA length", defval=20)

//calculate SMA
sma = ta.sma(close, 20)
sma60 =, res60, sma)
//value60 =, res60, close)
sma30 =, res30, sma)

stdev60 = ta.stdev(sma60, 20)
bbup60 = sma60 + (stdev60 * 2)
bbdown60 = sma60 - (stdev60 * 2)
//bb60 =, 30, 2)

plot(sma60, title="sma60")
plot(bbup60, title="bbup60",
plot(bbdown60, title="bbdown60",

Pine Script Rookie
Pine Script Rookie
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Joined: July 31st, 2022

Re: Bollinger Bands on higher time frame

No ideas from anyone? I really need to bring this higher timeframe indicator into the lower timeframe chart indicator, so I can create alerts the require certain conditions on both time frames.

Pine Script Master
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Re: Bollinger Bands on higher time frame

Hi augerpro,

check out this link, it is pretty advanced but it does what you want. :up: ... oders-FAQ/

Best of luck with your coding

Pine Script Rookie
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Re: Bollinger Bands on higher time frame

Thank you! I will look into that and report back if I have issues. I really appreciate the help!

Pine Script Rookie
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Re: Bollinger Bands on higher time frame

Actually I do I have one question. In my script I defined a variable "value60 =, res60, close)", then attempted to apply to it "bb60 =, 30, 2)", but my plot "plot(bb60," throws this error when compiling "syntax error: variables of array type are not support". I didn't intend to make an array, and I'm not sure why it considers this to be one?

Pine Script Rookie
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Re: Bollinger Bands on higher time frame

Deep-wave> unfortunately that indicator doesn't solve my problem. Looking through it, it handles calculating a higher time frame RSI essentially the same way I'm calculating my HTF SMA. And my SMA is not the problem, it calculates correctly. My issue is the ta.stdev does not, and I don't understand why. You can see in the pic that my HTF bollinger bands on the 15M chart do not match those on 1H chart. The SMA is the same for both, but not the bands.


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Re: Bollinger Bands on higher time frame

here is a little code snippet that should get you started (originally from LonesomeTheBlue).
Remember that the higher time frame values will stay the same on the lower time frame until a new candle is finished on the higher time frame. This behaviour is intended this way! (google repainting if you need clarification on this)

Let's take a look at a simple example:
Let's assume you have 2 time frames, 15m & 1h. On the 15m chart, the values of the 1h Bollinger bands will change on the close of the candle with the starting time of "quarter to" of every hour (so: 00:45, 01:45, 02:45 etc). That's because the candle with a starting time of for example "12:45" closes at "13:00". At 13:00 the 1h candle from 12:00 to 13:00 is closed so we have new values for the Bollinger bands from the higher time frame. These values will stay the same on the 15m chart until the candle with the starting time 13:45 closes and so on.

Hope this helps you out.

Code: Select all

indicator('Bollinger Bands MTF', overlay=true)

HigherTimeFrame = input.timeframe(title='Higher time frame', defval='60')
bblength =, title='Length', minval=1)
multi = input.float(2.0, title='Mult', minval=1.0)
basis = ta.sma(close, bblength)
dev = multi * ta.stdev(close, bblength)
upper = basis + dev
lower = basis - dev

// Higher Time Frame
basis_HTF =, HigherTimeFrame, basis, lookahead=barmerge.lookahead_off)
upper_HTF =, HigherTimeFrame, upper, lookahead=barmerge.lookahead_off)
lower_HTF =, HigherTimeFrame, lower, lookahead=barmerge.lookahead_off)

// Plots Bollinger Bands - Chart Time Frame
L1 = plot(upper,, 0), title='BB Upper Band')
L2 = plot(lower,, 0), title='BB Lower Band')
plot(basis,, 0), title='BB Mid Band')
fill(L1, L2,, 95))

// Plots Bollinger Bands - Higher Time Frame
LA1 = plot(upper_HTF,, 0), title='BB HTF Upper Band', linewidth=2)
LA2 = plot(lower_HTF,, 0), title='BB HTF Lower Band', linewidth=2)
plot(basis_HTF,, 0), title='BB HTF Mid Band', linewidth=2)
fill(LA1, LA2,, 95))

Pine Script Rookie
Pine Script Rookie
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Re: Bollinger Bands on higher time frame

I think that might just work. Thank you!

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