Pine Script Rookie
Pine Script Rookie
Posts: 6
Joined: February 1st, 2022

How to create DCA filters?

Hi, it's possible to allow DCA and create DCA filters using the next signal that appear in indicator script like below? (DCA filters = only allowed if signal appears below last signal for Long and only allowed if signal appears above last signal for Short)

preview: https://prnt.sc/XvtLH3bkJhzr

Here is the full script:


Pine Script Master
Pine Script Master
Posts: 115
Joined: January 30th, 2022

Re: How to create DCA filters?


So you want the signal for buy and short only appear when there is a swing i.e. change from Long to Short or Short to Long avoiding repeated same direction signals.

I have added code for Long A and Short A

Code: Select all

var string currentA = na
if entryLong_A and currentA != "L"
    currentA := "L"
if entryShrt_A and currentA != "S"
    currentA := "S"

alertcondition(entryLong_A and (currentA != currentA[1]),     "Long A",   message="Long A"    + ' on {{ticker}} {{interval}} at {{close}}')
plotchar(i_draw_LongA   ? entryLong_A and (currentA != currentA[1])  : na, title = 'Long A',    char='.', color=color.new(color_LongA, 0),   location = location.belowbar, size = size.normal, text='L-A')
alertcondition(entryShrt_A and (currentA != currentA[1]),     "Short A",   message="Short A"    + ' on {{ticker}} {{interval}} at {{close}}')
plotchar(i_draw_ShrtA   ? entryShrt_A  and (currentA != currentA[1]) : na, title = 'Short A',   char='.', color=color.new(color_ShrtA, 0),   location = location.abovebar, size = size.normal, text='S-A')


Code: Select all

// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/
// © podolkerod

varip   str_script_title    = "[Learn] DCA using signal"

indicator(str_script_title, overlay=true) // timeframe="", timeframe_gaps=true)

// Colors
varip   color_ma01              = #d1d4dc  //  #f5eb5d  // #ffe0b2
varip   color_ma02              = #f1c21b  //  #f5b771  // #33DBF7
varip   color_ma03              = #00e2ff  //  #f57d51  // #FFA7CF
varip   color_ma04              = #f55151  // #EBADF7
varip   color_ma05              = #cc125b  // #FF8A5E
varip   color_ma06              = #b249c3
varip   color_supertrendUp      = #2ABEB3
varip   color_supertrendDn      = #FF7A65
varip   color_LongA             = #2ABEB3
varip   color_LongB             = #00C09F
varip   color_LongC             = #00C6C7
varip   color_LongD             = #00BA45
varip   color_LongE             = #00B1FF
varip   color_LongF             = #008AC4
varip   color_ShrtA             = #E61C5D
varip   color_ShrtB             = #FF791B
varip   color_ShrtC             = #FF55F3
varip   color_ShrtD             = #FF4766
varip   color_ShrtE             = #FF7A65
varip   color_ShrtF             = #E59C24
varip   color_enterL_Price      = #ffffff // #f7894980
varip   color_longSL            = #4a0d70
varip   color_longTP            = #53B71A
varip   color_longSLhit         = #961EE1
varip   color_longTPhit         = #53B71A
varip   color_enterS_Price      = #ffffff // #f7894980
varip   color_shortSL           = #4a0d70
varip   color_shortTP           = #1ECBE1
varip   color_shortSLhit        = #961EE1
varip   color_shortTPhit        = #1AA2B7


i_emaLength1 = input.int(title="EMA 1", defval=8)
i_emaLength2 = input.int(title="EMA 2", defval=20)
i_emaLength3 = input.int(title="EMA 3", defval=50)
i_emaLength4 = input.int(title="EMA 4", defval=100)

ema1 = ta.ema(close, i_emaLength1)
ema2 = ta.ema(close, i_emaLength2)
ema3 = ta.ema(close, i_emaLength3)
ema4 = ta.ema(close, i_emaLength4)

plot(ema1, color=color.blue)
plot(ema2, color=color.green)
plot(ema3, color=color.red)
plot(ema4, color=color.yellow)

// Inputs
varip groupShowSignals = "Show/Hide Signals"

i_draw_LongA    =   input(false, 'Long A',   group = groupShowSignals,  inline="L01")
i_draw_LongB    =   input(false, 'Long B',   group = groupShowSignals,  inline="L01")
i_draw_LongC    =   input(false, 'Long C',   group = groupShowSignals,  inline="L01")
i_draw_ShrtA    =   input(false, 'Short A',   group = groupShowSignals,  inline="L02")
i_draw_ShrtB    =   input(false, 'Short B',   group = groupShowSignals,  inline="L02")
i_draw_ShrtC    =   input(false, 'Short C',   group = groupShowSignals,  inline="L02")

// Filters
ema1_crossOver_ema2 = ta.crossover(ema1, ema2)
ema2_crossOver_ema3 = ta.crossover(ema2, ema3)
ema3_crossOver_ema4 = ta.crossover(ema3, ema4)
ema1_crossUnder_ema2 = ta.crossunder(ema1, ema2)
ema2_crossUnder_ema3 = ta.crossunder(ema2, ema3)
ema3_crossUnder_ema4 = ta.crossunder(ema3, ema4)

// Entry Exit Conditions
entryLong_A = ema1_crossOver_ema2
entryShrt_A = ema2_crossOver_ema3
entryLong_B = ema3_crossOver_ema4
entryShrt_B = ema1_crossUnder_ema2
entryLong_C = ema2_crossUnder_ema3
entryShrt_C = ema3_crossUnder_ema4

entryLong_All = entryLong_A or entryLong_B or entryLong_C
entryShrt_All = entryShrt_A or entryShrt_B or entryShrt_C

signal_Off  = 0


// Input Signal
varip groupBacktestStrat = "Visualize Backtest"

i_trigger_entryL     = input.string(title="Long OP | Exit Trigger", defval="OFF", inline="line_bt_signal_0",
     "LONG ALL",
     "Long A", "Long B", "Long C",
     "SHORT ALL",
     "Short A", "Short B", "Short C",
     ],  group = groupBacktestStrat)
i_trigger_exitL      = input.string(title="",                       defval="OFF", inline="line_bt_signal_0",
     "LONG ALL",
     "Long A", "Long B", "Long C",
     "SHORT ALL",
     "Short A", "Short B", "Short C",
     ],  group = groupBacktestStrat)
i_trigger_entryS    = input.string(title="Short OP | Exit Trigger", defval="OFF", inline="line_bt_signal_1",
     "LONG ALL",
     "Long A", "Long B", "Long C",
     "SHORT ALL",
     "Short A", "Short B", "Short C",
     ],  group = groupBacktestStrat)
i_trigger_exitS     = input.string(title="",                        defval="OFF", inline="line_bt_signal_1",
     "LONG ALL",
     "Long A", "Long B", "Long C",
     "SHORT ALL",
     "Short A", "Short B", "Short C",
     ],  group = groupBacktestStrat)

// Declarations
enterL = 
     i_trigger_entryL=="LONG ALL"      ? entryLong_All   :
     i_trigger_entryL=="Long A"      ? entryLong_A   :
     i_trigger_entryL=="Long B"      ? entryLong_B   :
     i_trigger_entryL=="Long C"      ? entryLong_C   :
     i_trigger_entryL=="SHORT ALL"     ? entryShrt_All   :
     i_trigger_entryL=="Short A"     ? entryShrt_A   :
     i_trigger_entryL=="Short B"     ? entryShrt_B   :
     i_trigger_entryL=="Short C"     ? entryShrt_C   :

exitL =  
     i_trigger_exitL=="LONG ALL"      ? entryLong_All   :
     i_trigger_exitL=="Long A"      ? entryLong_A   :
     i_trigger_exitL=="Long B"      ? entryLong_B   :
     i_trigger_exitL=="Long C"      ? entryLong_C   :
     i_trigger_exitL=="SHORT ALL"     ? entryShrt_All   :
     i_trigger_exitL=="Short A"     ? entryShrt_A   :
     i_trigger_exitL=="Short B"     ? entryShrt_B   :
     i_trigger_exitL=="Short C"     ? entryShrt_C   :

enterS =  
     i_trigger_entryS=="LONG ALL"      ? entryLong_All   :
     i_trigger_entryS=="Long A"      ? entryLong_A   :
     i_trigger_entryS=="Long B"      ? entryLong_B   :
     i_trigger_entryS=="Long C"      ? entryLong_C   :
     i_trigger_entryS=="SHORT ALL"     ? entryShrt_All   :
     i_trigger_entryS=="Short A"     ? entryShrt_A   :
     i_trigger_entryS=="Short B"     ? entryShrt_B   :
     i_trigger_entryS=="Short C"     ? entryShrt_C   :

exitS = 
     i_trigger_exitS=="LONG ALL"      ? entryLong_All   :
     i_trigger_exitS=="Long A"      ? entryLong_A   :
     i_trigger_exitS=="Long B"      ? entryLong_B   :
     i_trigger_exitS=="Long C"      ? entryLong_C   :
     i_trigger_exitS=="SHORT ALL"     ? entryShrt_All   :
     i_trigger_exitS=="Short A"     ? entryShrt_A   :
     i_trigger_exitS=="Short B"     ? entryShrt_B   :
     i_trigger_exitS=="Short C"     ? entryShrt_C   :

// Input TP SL (%) 
varip groupBacktestTPSL = "TP / SL"

i_strat_longTPpercent = input.float(title="Long TP | Long SL (%)",      minval=0.0, step=0.1, defval=0.66,  inline='L01', group = groupBacktestTPSL) / 100
i_strat_longSLpercent = input.float(title="",                           minval=0.0, step=0.1, defval=5.1,  inline='L01', group = groupBacktestTPSL) / 100
i_strat_shrtTPpercent = input.float(title="Short TP | Short SL (%)",    minval=0.0, step=0.1, defval=0.66,  inline='L02', group = groupBacktestTPSL) / 100 
i_strat_shrtSLpercent = input.float(title="",                           minval=0.0, step=0.1, defval=5.1,  inline='L02', group = groupBacktestTPSL) / 100
// Calculation

// Detect what was last signal (long or short)
enterL_enterS = 0
last_enterL = enterL and (nz(enterL_enterS[1]) == 0 or nz(enterL_enterS[1]) == -1)
last_enterS = enterS and (nz(enterL_enterS[1]) == 0 or nz(enterL_enterS[1]) == 1)
enterL_enterS := last_enterL ? 1 : last_enterS ? -1 : enterL_enterS[1]

// Entry price
enterL_Price = ta.valuewhen(last_enterL, close, 0)
enterS_Price = ta.valuewhen(last_enterS, close, 0)

// Fixed TP SL prices
longSL = enterL_Price * (1 - i_strat_longSLpercent)
shortSL = enterS_Price * (1 + i_strat_shrtSLpercent)
longTP = enterL_Price * (1 + i_strat_longTPpercent)
shortTP = enterS_Price * (1 - i_strat_shrtTPpercent)

// Remove first bar for SL/TP (you can't enter a trade at bar close THEN hit your SL on that same bar)
longBar1 = ta.barssince(last_enterL)
longBar2 = longBar1 >= 1 ? true : false
shortBar1 = ta.barssince(last_enterS)
shortBar2 = shortBar1 >= 1 ? true : false

// Check for SL hit during a bar
longSLhit = enterL_enterS==1 and longBar2 and low < longSL
shortSLhit = enterL_enterS==-1 and shortBar2 and high > shortSL

// Check for TP hit during bar
longTPhit = enterL_enterS==1 and longBar2 and high > longTP
shortTPhit = enterL_enterS==-1 and shortBar2 and low < shortTP

// Reset enterL_enterS if SL/TP hit during bar
enterL_enterS := (enterL_enterS==1 or enterL_enterS==0) and longBar2 and (longSLhit or longTPhit) ? 0 : 
                 (enterL_enterS==-1 or enterL_enterS==0) and shortBar2 and (shortSLhit or shortTPhit) ? 0 : enterL_enterS

// Plot
// Plot Entry Price
plot(enterL_enterS==1  ? enterL_Price : na, style=plot.style_linebr, color=color_enterL_Price, linewidth=2, title="Entry Long")
plot(enterL_enterS==-1 ? enterS_Price : na, style=plot.style_linebr, color=color_enterS_Price, linewidth=2, title="Entry Short")

// plot TP SL lines
plot(enterL_enterS==1  ? longSL : na, style=plot.style_linebr, color=color_longSL, linewidth=1, title="Long Fixed SL")
plot(enterL_enterS==-1 ? shortSL : na, style=plot.style_linebr, color=color_shortSL, linewidth=1, title="Short Fixed SL")
plot(enterL_enterS==1  ? longTP : na, style=plot.style_linebr, color=color_longTP, linewidth=1, title="Long Fixed TP")
plot(enterL_enterS==-1 ? shortTP : na, style=plot.style_linebr, color=color_shortTP, linewidth=1, title="Short Fixed TP")

// Plot SL Hit
plotshape(longSLhit, style=shape.labelup, location=location.belowbar, color=color_longSLhit, size=size.tiny, title="Long SL Hit", text=" Long SL", textcolor=color.white)
plotshape(shortSLhit, style=shape.labeldown, location=location.abovebar, color=color_shortSLhit, size=size.tiny, title="Short SL Hit", text=" Short SL", textcolor=color.white)

// Plot TP Hit
plotshape(longTPhit, style=shape.labeldown, location=location.abovebar, color=color_longTPhit, size=size.tiny, title="Long TP Hit", text="Long TP", textcolor=color.white)
plotshape(shortTPhit, style=shape.labelup, location=location.belowbar, color=color_shortTPhit, size=size.tiny, title="Short TP Hit", text="Short TP", textcolor=color.white)

// Connector for [BT] Robotempur or TESW - Robotempur
strat_trigger = 0
var trade_cond = 0
var StopLoss = float ( na )
var TakeProfit = float ( na )
var EntryPrice = float ( na )

if enterL
    StopLoss   := enterL_Price * ( 1 - i_strat_longSLpercent )
    TakeProfit := enterL_Price * ( 1 + i_strat_longTPpercent )
    EntryPrice := enterL_Price
    trade_cond := 1
    strat_trigger := 1
else if enterS
    StopLoss   := enterS_Price * ( 1 + i_strat_shrtSLpercent )
    TakeProfit := enterS_Price * ( 1 - i_strat_shrtTPpercent )
    EntryPrice := enterS_Price
    trade_cond := -1
    strat_trigger := -1

strat_TP_long = longTPhit
strat_SL_long = longSLhit
strat_TP_shrt = shortTPhit
strat_SL_shrt = shortSLhit
if trade_cond > 0 and strat_TP_long
    strat_trigger := 3
else if trade_cond < 0 and strat_TP_shrt
    strat_trigger := -3

// For [BT] Robotempur 
if trade_cond > 0 and ( exitL or strat_SL_long or strat_TP_long)
    strat_trigger := 2
    EntryPrice := float ( na )
    trade_cond := 0
else if trade_cond < 0 and ( exitS or strat_SL_shrt or strat_TP_shrt)
    strat_trigger := -2
    EntryPrice := float ( na )
    trade_cond := 0



var string currentA = na
if entryLong_A and currentA != "L"
    currentA := "L"
if entryShrt_A and currentA != "S"
    currentA := "S"

alertcondition(entryLong_A and (currentA != currentA[1]),     "Long A",   message="Long A"    + ' on {{ticker}} {{interval}} at {{close}}')
plotchar(i_draw_LongA   ? entryLong_A and (currentA != currentA[1])  : na, title = 'Long A',    char='.', color=color.new(color_LongA, 0),   location = location.belowbar, size = size.normal, text='L-A')
alertcondition(entryShrt_A and (currentA != currentA[1]),     "Short A",   message="Short A"    + ' on {{ticker}} {{interval}} at {{close}}')
plotchar(i_draw_ShrtA   ? entryShrt_A  and (currentA != currentA[1]) : na, title = 'Short A',   char='.', color=color.new(color_ShrtA, 0),   location = location.abovebar, size = size.normal, text='S-A')

// Create Alert Conditions
alertcondition(entryLong_All,     "++LONG ALL",   message="Long All"    + ' on {{ticker}} {{interval}} at {{close}}')
alertcondition(entryShrt_All,     "--SHORT ALL",   message="Short All"    + ' on {{ticker}} {{interval}} at {{close}}')
//alertcondition(entryLong_A,     "Long A",   message="Long A"    + ' on {{ticker}} {{interval}} at {{close}}')
alertcondition(entryLong_B,     "Long B",   message="Long B"    + ' on {{ticker}} {{interval}} at {{close}}')
alertcondition(entryLong_C,     "Long C",   message="Long C"    + ' on {{ticker}} {{interval}} at {{close}}')
//alertcondition(entryShrt_A,     "Short A",   message="Short A"    + ' on {{ticker}} {{interval}} at {{close}}')
alertcondition(entryShrt_B,     "Short B",   message="Short B"    + ' on {{ticker}} {{interval}} at {{close}}')
alertcondition(entryShrt_C,     "Short C",   message="Short C"    + ' on {{ticker}} {{interval}} at {{close}}')

// Plot Signals
//plotchar(i_draw_LongA   ? entryLong_A   : na, title = 'Long A',    char='.', color=color.new(color_LongA, 0),   location = location.belowbar, size = size.normal, text='L-A')
plotchar(i_draw_LongB   ? entryLong_B   : na, title = 'Long B',    char='.', color=color.new(color_LongB, 0),   location = location.belowbar, size = size.normal, text='L-B')
plotchar(i_draw_LongC   ? entryLong_C   : na, title = 'Long C',    char='.', color=color.new(color_LongC, 0),   location = location.belowbar, size = size.normal, text='L-C')
//plotchar(i_draw_ShrtA   ? entryShrt_A   : na, title = 'Short A',   char='.', color=color.new(color_ShrtA, 0),   location = location.abovebar, size = size.normal, text='S-A')
plotchar(i_draw_ShrtB   ? entryShrt_B   : na, title = 'Short B',   char='.', color=color.new(color_ShrtB, 0),   location = location.abovebar, size = size.normal, text='S-B')
plotchar(i_draw_ShrtC   ? entryShrt_C   : na, title = 'Short C',   char='.', color=color.new(color_ShrtC, 0),   location = location.abovebar, size = size.normal, text='S-C')

// Plot Strategy Tester
plot(strat_trigger, "═══════ [BT] Strategy Trigger ═══════", color ( na ), editable = false, display = display.none )


Pine Script Rookie
Pine Script Rookie
Posts: 6
Joined: February 1st, 2022

Re: How to create DCA filters?

@processingclouds thank you, it solved my issue.

I have another question, let say the script is for Long position only. 1st signal triggered for entry, then 2nd signal is come but higher than the entry price, then 3rd signal that lower than entry price is triggered.

How can we prevent the 2nd signal triggered and allow the 3rd signal to enter (doing the averaging down)? it's possible with study script or we must use strategy script?

and last thing how to limit maximum signal that triggered for doing the averaging down?

sorry for asking series of question like this

Pine Script Master
Pine Script Master
Posts: 115
Joined: January 30th, 2022

Re: How to create DCA filters?


I think it would be best to open another question , so each question stays in tis own subject and easier for others to follow up on similar questions.

Also if you can explain further as your question is not clear, if you can make a chart drawing and give example that would be great too .

Pine Script Rookie
Pine Script Rookie
Posts: 6
Joined: February 1st, 2022

Re: How to create DCA filters?

Sure, I will create another thread

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