Pine Script Rookie
Pine Script Rookie
Posts: 1
Joined: February 4th, 2023

stop loss not executing correctly

Hello everyone,
I'm new to pine script and have been playing with the script below.
My strategy.exit executes perfectly fine for take profit = 50pips (ie. exits trade when 50 pips profit are made resulting in £2.5 of profit). However the loss = 25 never executes correctly. I'm expecting exit on loss of £1.25 but the amount is always different and mostly larger than 1.25. Any hints would be much appreciated.

script :

strategy(title='Multi-RSI Trend Indicator', shorttitle='Multi-RSI', overlay=false)

rsiSource1 = input(title='RSI Source1', defval=ohlc4)
rsiLength1 = input(title='RSI Length1', defval=4)
rsiValue1 = ta.rsi(rsiSource1, rsiLength1)
plot1 = plot(rsiValue1)

rsiSource2 = input(title='RSI Source2', defval=close)
rsiLength2 = input(title='RSI Length2', defval=10)
rsiValue2 = ta.rsi(rsiSource2, rsiLength2)
plot2 = plot(series=rsiValue2, color=rsiValue2 > 50 ? color.green : color.red)

fillCond = false
if (rsiValue1 > rsiValue2)
fillCond := true

fill(plot1, plot2, color=fillCond ? color.green : color.gray, transp=10)

ma(source, length, type) => ta.sma(source, length)

len = input.int(30, minval=1, title="Length")
src = rsiValue1
offset = input.int(title="Offset", defval=0, minval=-500, maxval=500)
out = ta.sma(src, len)
plot(out, color=color.blue, title="MA", offset=offset)

//maCond = false
//plot(rsiValue1, color=maCond ? color.green : color.gray)

//BackgroundData(symbol, timeframe, data) =>
// isLive = barstate.isrealtime
// request.security(symbol, timeframe, data[isLive ? 1 : 0]) [isLive ? 0 : 1]
//TimeFrame = input.timeframe("1", title="1 Minute")

CondLong = rsiValue1>out and rsiValue1>50 and rsiValue2>out and rsiValue2>50

CondShort = rsiValue1<out and rsiValue1<50 and rsiValue2<out and rsiValue2<50

grp_STRAT = "Strategy settings"
timeInput = input.time(timestamp("01 Feb 2023"), title="Start date", group=grp_STRAT)
tpInPips = input.int(50, title="TP (in pips)", group = grp_STRAT)
slInPips = input.int(25, title="SL (in pips)", group = grp_STRAT)

timePeriod = time >= timeInput
notInTrade = strategy.position_size == 0

if (CondLong and barstate.islast and notInTrade)
strategy.entry("My Long Entry", strategy.long, qty=5)
strategy.exit("My Long Exit", "My Long Entry", loss=slInPips, profit=tpInPips)

if (CondShort and barstate.islast and notInTrade)
strategy.entry("My Short Entry", strategy.short, qty=5)
strategy.exit("My Short Exit", "My Short Entry", loss=slInPips, profit=tpInPips)

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