I recently got a job offer from a hedge fund to go exclusively from them + clients and team up with some mlq developers into bringing strategies to live. Dream job I know been thinking about it for a long time and working my buff off connecting with people so I could get in a place to even be considered for working as full time.

I've been working from fiveer for the past year and half coding for people overall so I believe to be fit for the challenges moving forward. Wanted to ask your opinion on this what do you think is fair price for services and what should I focus on. working fiveer gigs is not the same as working with a company + clients. I must add that I'm not a web developer or any kind of coding education apart from what you can generally find online. I'm very good working around excel been part of multiple challenges and advancing levels and working with MS Power BI and SQL as Reporting Manager. no HTML, no python not java and whose things.
I need to be able to build a team of coders to answer the clients needs and I have no idea on where to begin xD
I've been great with Pine but never did webwooks and explored automation and now I'll be backtesting strategies and creating trading bots. What should I learn?! How should I tackle this