Through my wonderings around different forums, I see that there are "many" people who are struggling with writing their code, it appears many have even given up, -but they still have their idea's and things they want done. I sense frustration in some posts I've read in different forums, which leads me to this idea

Since you are able to code most things (and others here), why not open a section where people can post what they want done and coders and bid for the jobs?
Seems like a win-win yes?!
I myself would be very tempted myself to use the service until my skills are perfected!!
And this would be very motivating for coders to hang around, honestly, it has to get tiring to answer questions all day and receive nothing for services rendered, yes?...
-there could be quick fixes, where someone can't figure something out
-or entire scrip builds
The "fixes" could even be posted in the forum so new coders could read along daily as errors are sorted out! How awesome would that be?

This would be a traffic driver to your site as well. Again another win.
Please think on this, as I've seen a NEED for this type of service

Peace and Blessings