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by processingclouds
Wed Feb 08, 2023 7:53 pm
Forum: Pine Script Q&A
Topic: Fractal engulfing candle
Replies: 1
Views: 882
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Re: Fractal engulfing candle


Yes, the check should be >= and <= ,

as using == will only work if at some point in the 10 bars the highs are equal which is more rare.
by processingclouds
Mon Feb 06, 2023 8:55 pm
Forum: Pine Script Q&A
Topic: Help with my first pine script
Replies: 8
Views: 6408
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Re: Help with my first pine script

Hey, A quick look at the code, shows that you are using different logical checks for the arrows, and different checks for the entries. If you would like them to match as per the arrows than : Change the buy and sell to // Buy condition if (long) strategy.entry("Long", strategy.long) // Sell conditio...
by processingclouds
Sun Feb 05, 2023 10:52 pm
Forum: Pine Script Q&A
Topic: is it possible to increment an EMA by a step of 0.1?
Replies: 1
Views: 1045
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Re: is it possible to increment an EMA by a step of 0.1?


You misunderstand the second parameter, it is telling how many bars to look at. This has to be an integer value and not float.
So change input.float to

Now your part on incrementing by 0.1 , what are you trying to increment?
by processingclouds
Sun Feb 05, 2023 10:38 pm
Forum: Pine Script Q&A
Topic: Convert Pine script 2 to 5
Replies: 5
Views: 9757
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Re: Convert Pine script 2 to 5

Hey. Here is the conversion from v2 to v5 // © processingclouds // processingclouds For bugs, and to show your support you can contact me anytime here and @gmail //@version=5 strategy(title='Semki v4.1', shorttitle='Semki', overlay=true, pyramiding=0, initial_capital=100, currency=currency.USD) useH...
by processingclouds
Sun Feb 05, 2023 10:30 pm
Forum: Pine Script Q&A
Topic: How can I use the ta.correlation function in PineScript (Tradingview) to show the correlation of two different symbols?
Replies: 1
Views: 1211
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Re: How can I use the ta.correlation function in PineScript (Tradingview) to show the correlation of two different symbo


You need to use to get the other symbol source value and than use that with ta.correlation
by processingclouds
Sun Feb 05, 2023 5:25 pm
Forum: Pine Script Q&A
Topic: Get these arows (< >) in the input settings menu?
Replies: 2
Views: 1242
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Re: Get these arows (< >) in the input settings menu?

Hey, You can use the options input as > or < , than use logical check on this considering them as strings. e.g. whichWay = input.string(defval = ">", options = [">", "<"]) BUY = (ENT == srcsm1 and TIME and extrak1 and extrak2 and extrak3 and extrak4 and extrak5 and extrak6 and extrak7) ? (whichWay==...
by processingclouds
Sun Feb 05, 2023 5:14 pm
Forum: Pine Script Q&A
Topic: Please respond! Logical and or not programming
Replies: 2
Views: 1326
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Re: Please respond! Logical and or not programming


Even if the input is string, like "or" , "and" or any other, you can use this in the code with
IF to check if logicInput == "or" than do OR operation and so on
by processingclouds
Sun Feb 05, 2023 5:06 pm
Forum: Pine Script Q&A
Topic: Add delay to this script before and after an economic annoucement
Replies: 4
Views: 2174
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Re: Add delay to this script before and after an economic annoucement

Hey, I went through the script, the calendar gives general dates and I really do not see strong volatilities after these events. Either way, your question of if we can use these times as non trade times, yes it is very much possible. You need to use if logic , to check if time is between the plus mi...
by processingclouds
Sun Feb 05, 2023 11:39 am
Forum: Pine Script Q&A
Topic: Scripts running on server
Replies: 1
Views: 905
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Re: Scripts running on server


When you load the script on a chart , than it runs otherwise it is not running. All scripts are stored on the server, and run when you add them to the chart.
by processingclouds
Sun Feb 05, 2023 10:27 am
Forum: Pine Script Q&A
Topic: Historical entries dissapearing on reload
Replies: 1
Views: 1020
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Re: Historical entries dissapearing on reload

As script is not given , it is hard to tell the exact issue. But you should look at the topic on repainting in pinescript.

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